
Moyea FLV Editor Lite Beta is updated to!

Moyea FLV Editor, Make an Editing Miracle to Customize FLV Videos for FREE.

KunShan, P.R. China. –March 5th, 2008 - Moyea Software Co., Ltd. (www.moyea.com) has released Moyea FLV Editor Lite Beta. It is Moyea’s first FLV editor with timeline. This FREE program supports any FLV import and perfectly exports FLV without any loss of quality. The notable editing functions include trim, split, audio replacement, merging between any FLV files, cue point and metadata adding, and real-time preview. With the connection to Moyea YouTube FLV Downloader and Moyea FLV to Video Converter Pro 2, users can easily download, edit, and convert online FLV files without any difficulty. Thus makes this program the most integrated solution to customize FLV files. All these miraculous functions enable users to make their own MTV, join the split online movies together and watch without break, share the most personalized videos among portable devices, and so on.

FLV Editor Lite

1. Solved the problem that files cannot be exported to FLV to Video Converter or YouTube FLV Downloader while output path does not exist.
2. Changed the way to load tutorial window.
3. Added the function to add new files from YouTube FLV Downloader while the editor is running.

The following are detailed descriptions of its features:

Import and edit any FLV file.

This editor can import and edit any FLV file no matter downloaded from sites like YouTube, or what you produced with other programs. It perfectly supports FLV files encoded with H.264, H.263, Flash 8, and Flash 8 with alpha.

Trim, split, and merging functions help get exactly what you want.

Users can get whatever length of the video; split, rearrange, add other clips, and merge them into one. Thus makes the editing more flexible.

Timeline and real-time preview assures the precise editing.

With the real-time preview and timeline editing, users can edit any point of the FLV. The time line also visualized the process of FLV editing.

Extract video and audio, replace audio.

With this program, users can extract the video and audio or replace the original audio with a desired one. Just make the most outstanding MTV with it.

More professional functions to Flash fans.

This program also provides cue point function which enables Flash fan to make the most astonishing effects.

Give more description to the FLV with Metadata function.

Users are able to add whatever they like to describe the FLV. All these information will be attached to the file.

In a word, this program is stable and easy to use. Just enjoy this freeware and implement all your great ideas the FLV videos.

About Moyea Software
Moyea Software is a professional and leading multimedia technologies provider, who is specialized in processing and broadcasting media over the Internet as well as in the daily life. Your digital life will be enriched with Moyea Software.

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